Sunday, May 24, 2009

Prayer for a Friend


It's a new week after last week's busy-and-exhausting duties. I'm not writing to post and tell you about what happen last Saturday (Pelepasan Kelas XII, SMAKI), but I'd like to post a song that's really touching. I don't know why, but lately I've been so interested in and obsessed with Casting Crowns and all their songs. I've been downloading most of their songs; great lyrics plus simple-but-cool music.

Eniwei, this one is about friends. Some of their songs always talk about how we should actually reach others, and I love that! Christianity isn't all about God-and-human relationship only, but it's also about how we interact and become His messanger in this world.

Eniwei, each time I listened to this song, I was like praying for some of my friends. I don't know why God created me as a easily-touched guy, but I am really grateful for that as I have more sensitivity towards my friends. This is the lyrics, and if you read from facebook, I tagged those who are close to me not because you're the puppets of the world, but because in fact, I'm really thankful every time I remember you all and I do pray for you guys! (Indonesian translation follows the lyrics). Enjoy it!

Prayer For a Friend
, Casting Crowns

Lord, I lift my friend to You, I've done all that I know to do
I lift my friend to You
Complicated circumstances have clouded his view
Lord, I lift my friend up to You

I fear that I won't have the words that he needs to hear
I pray for Your wisdom, oh God, and a heart that's sincere
Lord, I lift my friend up to You

Lord, I lift my friend to You
My best friend in the world, I know he means much more to You
I want so much to help him, but this is something he has to do
And Lord, I lift my friend up to You

'cause there's a way that seems so right to him
But You know where that leads
He's becoming a puppet of the world, too blind to see the strings
Lord, I lift my friend up to You
My friend up to You

Lord, I lift my friend to You, I've done all that I know to do
I lift my friend to You

Indonesian translation:

Tuhan, aku mengangkat doa untuk temanku. Aku sudah melakukan apa yang bisa aku kerjakan.
Dia telah dibingungkan dengan segala persoalan yang rumit.
Aku khawatir aku tidak bisa menyampaikan apa yang bakal dia mau dengar.
Kumohon hikmat dari-Mu dan berikan hati yang tulus.
Tuhan, aku berdoa untuk sahabat terbaikku dan 'ku tahu Dia jauh berarti bagi-Mu.
Aku pengin banget membantunya, tapi hanya dia yg bisa berbuat sesuatu.
Karena baginya itu benar, tapi Kau tahu kemana sebenarnya semua ini berakhir.
Dunia sedang mengendalikannya, dia jadi boneka dunia, dan dia tidak menyadarinya.
Aku berdoa dan menyerahkan temanku kepada-Mu, Tuhan.

Btw, if you don't mind please pray for me as I need to make a decision, tough one. I could smile, but my heart always cried and my mind could have gone wild...


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